

 語句注(Words & Phrases)はみなさんの実力に応じて参照して下さい。

Welcome to my Column!(連載開始にあたって)

This is a column which is posted on this site three or four times a month. It deals with English Grammar, Vocabulary, and Idioms. I hope that you will follow it, and learn something from it, every time you visit this site.

The Columns are written in fairly simple and easy-to-understand English, and, as you can see, there is a separate box, called 'Words and Phrases', which gives Japanese translations of some of the words and phrases in the Column.

I will take up a wide variety of topics in this Column. Some of them will be rather familiar to you. But even in such cases, I will try to use different approaches, and different kinds of explanations, so that new light is thrown on familiar points.

At other times, I will depart from traditional grammar, and try to introduce new and fresh ways of looking at language.

I hope you enjoy reading this Column.

Christopher Barnard


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Copyright (C) Christopher Barnard & Place, Inc. All rights reserved.